Release Stress and Limitations

Animal Reiki Session

40 - 45 Minutes / $80

I have been providing Animal Reiki Sessions for the past 20 years.

Animals are generally very receptive to Reiki and Animal Communication. What I have found is that when we learn to go inward and connect to them on a deep energetic level we are able to reach deeper states of communication and healing with them.

Animal Reiki can be used for helping your animals to release blocks and stagnation in the body as well as giving the animal a platform to communicate their needs more clearly if they would like to.

I offer Animal Reiki Sessions long-distance. Schedule a session with me by calling/ texting and sending a current picture of your animal to me via a text. I will then set up a time to do the session and set up a time to call you with the outcome and information I receive after I complete the session.

During the time time that we agree upon I will connect with your animal. It is helpful to have them at home where it is calm and relaxing for the animal if possible.

Additional Information

Cost of Session: $80

Animal Reiki Bundle of 3 Sessions: $195

Pay at the time we book the session

To find out more I recently had an article published in the Winter 2023 Reiki News Magazine regarding my work with animals. You can read the article in my “Blog”

“True Stories from a Reiki Animal Communicator”

Enroll in Our Reiki Classes / Personal Sessions

We offer Reiki Classes and Personal Sessions provided by Julie Russell, Verde Valley’s leading ICRT Licensed Reiki Master Teacher and Past Life/QHHT Practioner with over 20 years of experience.