Shine Your Light in the World

Why Choose Reiki Verde Valley?

To read testimonials about my services go to:
Reiki Verde Valley on “YELP”

I have over 120 published and unpublishedd reviews

All of the 5-star reviews (over 120 of them) are written by my wonderful students and or clients.

Reiki Self-Evaluation Assessment

Wondering if taking a Reiki Class or getting a session is right for you. Do a Self Assessment Evaluation Quiz to help you decide.

Reiki Self-Evaluation Assessment

Wondering if taking a Reiki Class or getting a session is right for you. Do a Self Assessment Evaluation Quiz to help you decide.

Enroll in Our Reiki Classes / Personal Sessions

We offer Reiki Classes and Personal Sessions provided by Julie Russell, Verde Valley’s leading ICRT Licensed Reiki Master Teacher and Past Life/QHHT Practioner with over 20 years of experience.

I moved my practice of 20 years from Orange County, Ca (Reiki Orange County) to Cottonwood, Arizona (Reiki Verde Valley) in October of 2024.

I am so grateful to all my thousands of students and clients over the years.

I hope you will join me in the future either in-person or online from my new location in Cottonwood, Arizona (Sedona Area) at Reiki Verde Valley

Much Love Always,