Shine Your Light in the World

Reiki Verde Valley blog_2025 New Progressive Training” in LA with Dr. Joe Dispenza

Insights from attending the “2025 New Progressive Training” in LA with Dr. Joe Dispenza

In March I was fortunate to be able to attend the 3-day workshop with Dr. Joe. I have now been an advanced student of his work for the past several years and really love incorporating his teachings into my Reiki Practice and my own healing work.

I love that he can blend modern science with spirituality and energy healing into a framework that demystifies the work we do with metaphysics and energy healing modalities.

The cornerstone of his work is based on concepts of neuroscience, neuroplasticity and quantum physics. What has really taken this all to the next level is he has now been doing extensive medical research in collaboration with the UC San Diego Research Center on how meditation practices, thoughts, beliefs, levels of consciousness and energy healing effect physiology, biology and personal growth and healing.

I am so excited to see that we are now bridging the gap that has existed in the west to show the efficacy of these practices for health and wellness. I have seen the power of these practices both personally and professionally consistently over the past 20 years in my Reiki/hypnosis/guided imagery practice. I have now personally done about 10,000 reiki sessions on people and animals and have found that about 85-90% of my clients have mild to miraculous results. I always tell my medical friends if I were a drug in a clinical trial I would be approved.  That always makes me laugh.

When I compare reiki to meditation and what occurs in the brain state, we are providing ourselves and to our reiki clients during a session the same alpha, theta and gamma brain wave states that promote changes in the body and the mind that Dr. Joe finds in his scientific studies of meditation. It is important to know that many of the concepts he teaches show scientifically the great capacities we have for growth and healing. It always reminds me of the teachings of Mikao Usui taught over 100 years ago.

During the conference in LA there were 6000 people in attendance. I did notice that having many people focused on going into deep brain states at the same time was helpful too. Since we all entrain with the environment around us another comparison with doing reiki with someone also helps to relax the body and tap into natural changes within the body for healing.

I have found that doing his guided meditations in combination with Reiki is a  great way for me to tap into deep healing states. If you like guided meditation I highly recommend you consider using some of his meditations with your Reiki. You can purchase his guided meditations from his website or listen to some for free on Utube.

As I look back at my own life over the past 2 years when I started working with Dr. Joe and attending his advanced workshops I have changed many aspects of my life in wonderful, new, exciting ways. From learning to love my body, dismantling many limiting beliefs, completing my career in traditional healthcare, to moving my entire life to a new part of the country. I am excited to see the next levels of healing and personal growth that I will achieve. It is funny that this year I turned 73 years old. A time when many people of my age group often lose their love of life I seem to love life even more and wake up excited and grateful for the new life and experiences I continue to create.

One last comment I would like to make is that if you have not watched the Movie “Source” which came out last year with Dr. Joe and the research team at UC San Diego I would highly recommend it. You will see some of the leading-edge science we now have on the power of the mind, meditation and energy work.

For more information go to the official website:

I moved my practice of 20 years from Orange County, Ca (Reiki Orange County) to Cottonwood, Arizona (Reiki Verde Valley) in October of 2024.

I am so grateful to all my thousands of students and clients over the years.

I hope you will join me in the future either in-person or online from my new location in Cottonwood, Arizona (Sedona Area) at Reiki Verde Valley

Much Love Always,